B2S teilt mit:

As of 1st January 2011 the VAT on tickets (in the Netherlands) will be raised to 19% instead of 6%. This means the ticket price will be raised to 56 euro’s in 2011. And unfortunately there is nothing we can do about this. For the tickets to be taxed against 6% it is important that they are paid in 2010. So please put a notice on your website so the customers can order before the year ends.  You must also pay us in 2010 otherwise the tickets will be taxed against 19%.

We warn you for this, because we want to give you the change to save this extra money!

But in 2011 you can still order off corse!


Das gilt selbstverständlich für ALLE niederländischen Tickets.

Also noch schnell hier in 2010 bestellen.
